Hydration is often overlooked in the pursuit of fitness goals. While we focus on the perfect workout routine and nutrition, the right gear, and the best gym - the simple act of drinking enough water can significantly impact our performance and overall well-being.
But why? Here we dive into the crucial role of hydration during exercise and explore the best beverage choices to keep you fueled.
The Link Between Hydration and Exercise
Our bodies are composed primarily of water, and it plays a vital role in countless bodily functions. During exercise, we lose fluids through sweat, which can lead to dehydration if not replenished adequately. Dehydration can manifest in various ways, including fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and decreased performance.
“Hydration during a game, tournament or workout ― not just before and after ― can fall below the radar of an athlete and their trainer, but performance depends on it. Getting dehydrated puts you at risk of headaches, cramping and more serious complications like heat stroke or other heat disease.” Says Rayven Nairn, M.S., R.D., L.D., a dietitian with the Johns Hopkins University Student Health and Wellness Center.
How Does Proper Hydration Benefit Your Workout?
Let’s look at the hydration benefits during your workout just in case you have more questions. For example, hydration during exercise regulates body temperature since sweat helps cool the body down, preventing overheating.
Hydration benefits during a workout also lubricates joints to ensure smooth joint movement further helping you avoid injury. Naturally, it transports nutrients as water carries essential nutrients to your muscles and it boosts energy levels, as we already mentioned, dehydration can lead to fatigue, hindering performance.
Finally, hydration benefits during a workout supports cognitive function. Staying hydrated helps you focus and make better decisions during exercise.
What to Drink During Your Workout
The ideal beverage choice depends on the intensity and duration of your workout. Here we look at three primary hydration drinks to consume during your workout.
1. Water
The cornerstone of hydration, water is sufficient for most workouts lasting less than an hour. It effectively replenishes fluids lost through sweat and helps maintain overall hydration.
Water is an affordable, readily available hydration option.
“It's important to not just drink a cup of water right before activity and think that you’re adequately hydrated and will perform well during a workout,” says Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, a Miami-based board-certified sports dietitian. “A lot of people, including elite athletes, are chronically dehydrated. It’s essential to focus on staying hydrated throughout the day to perform at your best during workout time.”
Hydrate before, during, and after your workout. Aim to drink 16-24 ounces of water about two hours before exercise, 8 ounces about 20-30 minutes before, and regularly during your workout.
2. Sports Drinks
For workouts that exceed an hour or those performed in hot and humid conditions, sports drinks can be beneficial. Especially if you’re doing a high-intensity workout as well. Sports drinks contain electrolytes, essential minerals lost through sweat, which help regulate fluid balance and muscle function. Look for sports drinks with moderate sugar content to avoid a spike in blood sugar.
3. Coconut Water
A natural alternative to sports drinks, coconut water contains electrolytes like potassium and sodium. It can be a refreshing option, but it's important to check the sugar content.
Striking the Balance With Hydration and Exercise
There are a few more considerations when it comes to striking a good and healthy balance with exercise and hydration.
First off, listen to your body. It really is as simple as that. If you feel thirsty, drink. Don't wait until you're dehydrated to rehydrate.
Above we only shared three hydration options but it comes down to personal preference so experiment with different beverages to find what works best for you. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as these substances can contribute to dehydration.
Consider the environment as well. In hot and humid conditions, you'll need to drink more frequently. It may sound silly but choose the right water bottle. Opt for a leak-proof, insulated bottle that keeps your drink cold.
By prioritizing hydration, you'll enhance your workout performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and feel better overall. Remember, everyone's hydration needs are different, so find what works best for you and make it a consistent part of your fitness routine.